Friday, July 01, 2005

Songs Of Love Pt. 56:

Das Wochenende bedarf einiger Starthilfe. Rat und Tat gibt es wieder tollen von den Lyrics unserer Helden. Diesmal die besten Anmachsprüche:

You`re so Gangsta - Chromeo
You take my breath away - The Knife
You ROCK! - iPodder Dev Team

oder wenn es nicht klappt:
You talk way too much - The Strokes

wenns noch schlimmer kommt:
You will be under my satanic wheels -

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Das kleine Ratespiel
Lindsey Lohan - Vorher / Nachher:

Take my breats implants away

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Sock You Like A Hurricane!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Sarah Connor – kennen wir. Eine amerikanische Vorlage für optisches Rudelcasting heisst Ashlee Simpson und kann vor allem schlecht live im TV zu Playback performen.

Dagegen muss was unternommen werden. Wird schon, am besten per e-mail Petition der amerikanischen Anti-Ashlee-Liga:

To: Geffen/DGC Records & JT Simpson Entertainment
We, the undersigned, are disgusted with Ashlee Simpson's horrible singing and hereby ask her to stop. Stop recording, touring, modeling and performing. We do not wish to see her again.

She cannot match the sound of her voice that can be found on her CDs, when she sings live. She simply yells the words (sometimes the wrong ones) into the mic.

We are so sickened by her "performing" that we are taking this opportunity to demand that she stop.


The Undersigned
