Oui, j`ai ras le bol pour aujourd`hui. Les Suisses à Locarno aiment bien les Stickers aussi.
Das Tageshoroskop für alle Schützen:
Quickie Today: Pay attention to your subconscious. It influences you more than you know.
Overview Tomorrow: It's all about splendor in the grass as you and your favorite companion get outside and experience all the glories of nature. It's been far too long since you've roamed the big world out there. von wem: toll, aus Yahoo.com
Viel besser ist aber der weise Rat des Bad Cookies: You will be unfortunate in all things you put your hands to.
Okay, das war zu wenig affirmativ. Wie wärs mit dem Farbenhoroskop:
Want to know what color to wear today? Have you ever been told you look good in a certain color? How about sexy, intelligent, or attractive? Every color you wear affects your mood. Find out what color will put you in the mood you want to be in today. Click on the ring to open a Color Generator window charged and ready. Follow the instructions carefully and you will soon receive your color reading.
Probiert, und: Dem Rubbelring zufolge trägt man heute morgens hellblau, dann violett, abends moosgrün. Basta. (color generator)