und sind die Posts dazu gekauft - oder nicht?

Bei der Woostercollective hat man sich gefetzt, denn es ist immer noch Werbung für Sonys PSP portable. Berechtigt. Das Schöne dabei ist, dass man nie weiss, ob nicht auch Angestellte der Werbeagentur mitgemischt haben. Wieso? Wer sowas so unkritisch bespricht, könnte doch gekauft sein. Oder nicht? Oder doch? Aber niemals?
gekauft oder nicht?
"I think Sony PSP?s wheat paste campaign is a terrific idea. It conceptually and seamlessly integrates the Sony product with the characters. The cryptic and mysterious street art-style execution works well with the PSP brand particularly because Sony PlayStation has a history of mysterious, cryptic and effective advertising that doesn?t hit you over the head with overt, dumbed-down messages or slogans. And like the Time campaign (executed with Cope2) it?s a seemingly effortless and engaging fusion of advertising and street art, which will certainly get people talking (as we are right now). Finally if it can get past the folks at Wooster Collective.com (c?mon guys, no excuses!) it must be good!"
From Saint X:
"Aaaaaarrrrggggghhh. I KNEW something wasn’t right about the thing when I took a picture of it a couple weeks ago in san Francisco. Two kids. 6-feet tall. Right near the new freeway off-ramp. Looked way too clean to be real. Working for a branding firm, I’m adamantly opposed to this kind of infiltration by the big corporations. Equivalent in my mind with viral marketing stealth efforts to generate a buzz about a new product the unsuspecting masses by some cool, attractive shill on the company payroll. If a corporation has a brand that is truly of the style of the streets (skateboards, surf gear, etc.) I’m less inclined to bitch. When Sony does it, it feels like they’re cheating. Wonder if the city’s with Quality of Life laws are going to impose any fines or threaten to send any executives to the lockup!! Thanks for the tip-off!"
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